Tuesday 29 September 2020


 Brief account of the making of our continuity exercise and how we overcame any problems we faced:

 The aim of the exercise was to put into practice our understanding of different camera angles and shot types and to experiment with continuity editing to create a short clip. We worked in small groups, allowing us all to have a chance to experiment with shots that we might want to use in our final opening sequence, such as two-shots, over the shoulder shots and shot-reverse shots. 

We chose to make our continuity exercise a horror/thriller, which are two genres that I hope to further explore in the future for my final film opening sequence. In our narrative, we had Millie play a possessed school girl, with me being the figure that was possessing her. Tallulah and Fia played Millie's two friends who witnessed her being possessed and tried to stop it. 

Our first step was to create a story board, ensuring that we fully understood the shots we were planning to include and the series of events our piece would have. We filmed and edited our continuity exercise on iMovie on our phones.

One problem we encountered was ambient noise, from the other groups working as well as the wind outside. In order for this sound to not interfere with our filming we moved to the tunnel, where we were sheltered from the weather and away from any background noise from other people. We also found that working in the tunnel worked in our favour in terms of our narrative as the slightly dark and eerie surroundings contributed to the establishment of our horror genre through creating a more sinister atmosphere. 

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  ELLIE SMART  CANDIDATE NUMBER 1859 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 My production team included: Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Jess Foster 1...