Friday, 16 April 2021

PLANNING: Risk Assessment

 Risk Assessment

Hazard to Health and Safety

Risk posed and to whom

Risk Level (H/M/L)

Control measure to reduce risk

Further action needed to reduce risk


Transport: Standing in the street in Walton to get the shot of Jess through the window from the stalker’s perspective (could have got hit by a car if we were too focused on shooting). Danger when travelling to destination by car. Moving vehicles (lorries) in school carpark. Students looking wrong way when crossing road. Student falling down stairs. Walking across roads. Be cautious when walking/driving to filming location and be aware of surroundings. Aim to cross roads at designated pedestrian crossings. Always have a person looking for incoming cars.

Weather: In the forest it was slippery due to rain (danger of falling and injuring ourselves). Danger of getting clothing wet and becoming too cold. Wet camera when filming outside. Students bring appropriate clothing suitable for all weather and be cautious when walking on slippery surfaces.

First Aid Issues: Trips/Falls – could trip over in the dark room. Could come into contact with harmful chemicals in the dark room. Brambles in woods. Carry a first aid kit at all times, aim to have a first-aider on stand-by, identify areas of danger (e.g. brambles or chemicals).

General Public (e.g. theft or assault): Outside in the dark on the street (danger of potential assault or kind of incident). Threat of pick-pocking in Walton (not a large risk as we are not in a crowded location). Students causing incident with member of public. Students stay in groups when in public spaces (with mobile phones), do not approach members of public or respond to provoking comments, students to remain in supervised conditions, do not film late at night, follow guidance of emergency personnel.

Accommodation (e.g. risk assessment from centre): No overnight accommodation

Major Public Incident (e.g. terrorism): Not applicable as there is minor chance of a terrorist attack in a small town. In the case of one: Ensure venue has assembly point and pupils know where it is, as well as giving pupils assembly points whilst on public transport. Ensure pupils know the national advice to run if possible and hide if not. Ensure pupils know to always follow police instruction. Issue pupils with printed emergency contact card detailing school landline and school mobile – instruct them to call if they become lost (as well as alerting security official). Ensure trip leader has a school mobile and also contact details for both the school and all pupils + families









Incoming cars when we stand in the street to get shots of Jess through window from stalker’s perspective. And moving vehicles (e.g. lorries) school car park.


Traveling in car


Crossing roads


Potential injury through getting hit by a car if we were too focused on shooting.


Danger when travelling to destination by car.


Students looking wrong way when crossing road.


Always have a person looking for incoming cars. Students to be made aware of risks.


Be cautious when walking/driving to filming location and be aware of surroundings.


Aim to cross roads at designated pedestrian crossings.


Rain when filming outside making ground slippery and dangerous (especially in forest)


Rain making clothes and camera equipment wet

Rain could cause students to slip and fall – potentially causing injury.





Damage to the camera and risk of students becoming cold.  


Students bring appropriate clothing suitable for all weather and be cautious when walking on slippery surfaces.

First Aid Issues













Could trip over in the dark room.


Could come into contact with harmful chemicals in the dark room.


Brambles in woods – could trip over or cut themselves on












Carry a first aid kit at all times, aim to have a first-aider on stand-by, identify areas of danger (e.g. brambles or chemicals).

General Public

e.g. theft or assault

















Outside in the dark on the street (danger of potential assault or kind of incident).


Threat of pick-pocking in Walton (not a large risk as we are not in a crowded location).


Students causing incident with member of public















Students stay in groups when in public spaces (with mobile phones). No filming late at night.




Filming in supervised conditions.




Students not to approach members of public or respond to provoking comments.

Students to be advised on their responsibilities and school expectations.

Accommodation e.g. risk assessment from centre

N/A (no overnight accommodation)




Major Public Incident e.g. terrorism

Not applicable as there is minor chance of a terrorist attack in a small town





1 comment:

  1. Very thorough work. You and your group have considered the risks sensibly and thought about precautions.



  ELLIE SMART  CANDIDATE NUMBER 1859 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 My production team included: Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Jess Foster 1...