Wednesday 18 November 2020

RESEARCH: Audience Questionaire

 I designed and distributed an audience questionnaire via Google Forms, with the aim of better understanding our target audiences preferences. This will help my production team and I as it ensures we have a sufficient range of data from all genders and ages, each with different lifestyles and activities. In turn, this is useful in helping us to gain a wider knowledge of what our target audience enjoys, so we can effectively market our film to make them want to watch.

I tailored my questionnaire to fit the kind of film my production team are planning on creating, and so asked questions unique to the genre we are developing: psychological thriller/horror. 

To distribute my questionnaire efficiently and to maximise response, I intend to both email and post it on social media (Instagram and twitter) to reach a wider audience, therefore providing us with more results. 


I found that the majority of people in our target audience (under 21) are heavily influenced by social media in terms of how the are made aware of a film coming (100% said social media) and what they are most significantly influenced by - along with trailers and recomendations. Similarly, 100% of the people questioned used online streaming services such as Netflix to watch films and found out about upcoming films online, highlighting an extremely effective path of distribution. The majority of the participants liked the comparable films ('You', 'Secret Obsession' and 'Greta') for the following reasons: they are 'dramatic', 'trilling' and 'engaging'. However, a few of the over 21s commented that the trailer for 'You' was slightly predictable, which is therefore something that we can avoid in our narrative for Camera-Shy. 


  1. I enjoyed doing your audience questionnaire which asked pertinent questions.

  2. You can now add the results of your questionnaire to this post.



  ELLIE SMART  CANDIDATE NUMBER 1859 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 My production team included: Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Jess Foster 1...